
Publications Press Presentations

Your Computer May Be More Valuable to an Attacker than You Think

September 16, 2020

Your Computer May Be More Valuable to an Attacker than You Think We hear so much about data breaches and cyber attacks these days. Learning that hackers exposed millions of credit card numbers or other pieces of personal information seems to happen more and more. Even large companies with well-funded security such as Facebook, Microsoft,…

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Consulting, Memos, Resources

Memo: Lifeline Supported Services

August 11, 2020

Lifeline Supported Services Minimum Standards New standards take effect December 1,  2020. On July 31, 2020, the FCC released a Public Notice announcing the new Lifeline Minimum Standards that will take effect on December 1, 2020: Fixed Broadband: 25/3 Mbps with 1024 GB of usage per month Exception: If 25/3 Mbps is unavailable at the…

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News & Announcements

Statement on the passing of our friend, Tim Owens

July 14, 2020

The Vantage Point family was stunned to learn of Tim Owens’ sudden passing. Truthfully, it has taken several days to even collect our thoughts. It is so hard to believe he is gone. We are pained. We are reeling. We are grieving. Tim cast a long shadow. His many accomplishments and accolades were well-deserved; beyond…

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Consulting, Memos, Resources

Memo: TRS Fund Modifications

June 12, 2020

TRS Fund Modifications Contributions will be modified for 2020-2021 fund year. The FCC released a Report and Order in November 2019 to broaden the support mechanism for Internet Protocol Captioned Telephone Service (IP CTS) and reduce the current burden put on Interstate Telecommunications providers. The FCC launched IP CTS many years ago with an interim…

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