Consulting, Memos

Memo: Overview of Circulated FCC Order

November 27, 2018

Connect America Fund – Report and Order, FNPRM and Order on Reconsideration – WC Docket 10-90

The Federal Communications Commission (“Commission”) has released for circulation a draft Report and Order, Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Order on Reconsideration on the Connect America Fund (“FCC November 2018 Draft Order and NPRM”) in response to the comments the Commission received on the high-cost fund budget and modifications to the traditional legacy mechanisms. The Commission believes this order will help close the digital divide between broadband availability in rural and urban areas.

This full memo can be downloaded below, and includes information for all rate of return carriers (including A-CAM and legacy):

VPS Memo: Circulating Order on Rate of Return Reform

If you wish to review the full FCC Order on circulation, click here.


Next Steps and Additional Information

Vantage Point Solutions will be paying close attention to the December FCC Open Meeting to ensure the items proposed in the Report and Order are approved or modified. We have studied the order and are positioned to run the impacts that these changes may have on our clients.

For additional information or if you would like VPS guidance, please contact these members of the Vantage Point Solutions consulting team:

Jolyn Doering | 605-995-1773

Doug Eidahl, JD | 605-995-1750

Kristy Szabo | 605-995-1786