Protecting Aerial Fiber In the opening days of hunting season, we received several questions about how to protect aerial fiber from shotgun pellets. Eric Rajchel, PE shares three options in the video below. Additional Information For more information on this issue or if you would like VPS guidance, please contact these members of the Vantage…
Continue ReadingFiber Supply Constraints: Be Prepared Over the last year, fiber lead times have been increasing as broadband deployments ramp up nationwide. VPS anticipates these lead times increasing even further as many federal and state grant and support programs come to fruition. Additionally, there are more yet-to-be-announced funding programs on the horizon that will further exacerbate…
Continue ReadingFeb. 7, 2020: FCC Releases RDOF Order The FCC has just released the Report and Order previously approved at the January 30 open meeting; the full document is linked here. The Vantage Point Consulting and Engineering teams are actively reviewing this Order for any significant changes, surprises, or declarations. If you wish to receive a…
Continue ReadingRDOF: What’s Happening Now? Vantage Point has fielded several inquiries about the status of RDOF since the FCC’s January 30 meeting. Here we are providing an update about what is happening now, what to expect next, and what steps you can be taking at this time. What’s happening now Last week the FCC voted to…
Continue ReadingGeolocation data for locations built in 2019 are due on March 2. This deadline applies to companies with these funding obligations: CAF Phase II A-CAM, Revised A-CAM I, and A-CAM II CAF BLS Rural Broadband Experiments (RBE) Alaska Plan You may be missing locations. Carriers who may have already collected location information through a process other…
Continue ReadingThe 25,000 square foot office addition nearly doubles the size of the company’s headquarters. Vantage Point Solutions announces the completion of their 25,000 square-foot office expansion. A grand opening was held on July 10, featuring South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard. “This is the best kind of economic development,” Governor Daugaard commented about the employee growth….
Continue ReadingWith success in NY Grant program, Vantage Point exceeds $1.4 billion in broadband financing secured for clients. $1.4 billion, with a B. That’s the milestone recently crossed by Vantage Point Solutions measuring the loan and grant financing they have secured for clients. In the New NY Broadband Grant Program’s Phase 3 grants, announced January 31,…
Continue ReadingOn a national committee to expand broadband access, Larry Thompson will represent the little guy. But that’s not to say Mitchell-based Vantage Point Solutions (VPS) is little. With approximately 200 employees and an international footprint, the telecom and broadband consulting engineering firm helped Mitchell become one of the world’s top seven Intelligent Communities in 2015,…
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Last year’s USF order established requirements for both model and rate-of-return carriers to report the geocoded coordinates of new broadband locations. The first deadline to file geocoded coordinates for those locations is March 1, 2018. Companies failing to timely report geocodes for their newly-available broadband locations may permanently lose the opportunity to count those locations…
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