
Consulting, Memos, Resources

Memo: Bureau Announces CAF II Eligible Locations Adjustment Process (ELAP) Filing Window

March 19, 2021

Bureau Announces CAF II Eligible Locations Adjustment Process (ELAP) Filing Window Public Notice released March 16, 2021. Summary On March 16, 2021, the Wireline Competition Bureau (WCB) released the Public Notice, DA 21-319, announcing the opening of the CAF Phase II Auction Eligible Locations Adjustment Process (ELAP) filing window for CAF Phase II auction recipients….

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Consulting, Memos, Resources

Memo: Emergency Broadband Benefit Program Update

March 9, 2021

Emergency Broadband Benefit Program Update Public Notice released March 4, 2021. Summary The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) unanimously adopted an Order on February 25th establishing the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program (EBB). The $3.2 Billion appropriated by Congress in the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 will lower high-speed Internet costs for eligible households during the COVID-19…

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Consulting, Memos, Resources

Memo: FCC Emergency Broadband Benefit Program

March 8, 2021

FCC Emergency Broadband Benefit Program Overview of FCC Report and Order. Summary The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) unanimously adopted an Order on February 25th establishing the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program (EBB). The $3.2 Billion appropriated by Congress in the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 will lower high-speed Internet costs for eligible households during the COVID-19…

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Consulting, Memos, Resources

Memo: FCC Seeks Outreach Partners for Emergency Broadband Benefit

February 16, 2021

FCC Seeks Outreach Partners for Emergency Broadband Benefit Federal Communications Commission Acting Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel announced the FCC is seeking outreach partners to help share information about the Emergency Broadband Benefit – an FCC program developed to provide relief to households that are struggling to pay for Internet service during the COVID-19 pandemic. The FCC…

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