Memo: Performance Measures Updates
December 12, 2023
USAC Announces New Samples Required, FCC Provides Additional Guidance for Carriers Transitioning to Enhanced ACAM.
The Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) recently announced new sample locations MUST be obtained and used beginning first quarter 2024 through calendar year 2025 for carriers currently participating in any of the following funding programs:
- CAF BLS (must continue to test even after compliance confirmed for five-year obligations)
- CAF II Auction
- ACS (Alaska Communications Systems)
As referenced in the Performance Measures Module (PMM) Compliance Framework, PMM samples remain in place for two years. After the two-year period, carriers must obtain new random samples by accessing the PMM on the USAC website. Carriers participating in multiple funding programs must meet the PMM requirements specific to each program. USAC outlines the steps to obtain new samples in the PMM User Guide.
Download the full memo for additional information below.
Performance Measures Requirements
Please contact one of the following team members if you would like to discuss further, would like assistance, or have any questions or concerns:
Tammie Herrlein at (605) 990-1861
Troy Eilts at (605) 995-1830
Courtney Spears at (830) 895-7221