Do more with your network. Better services to your customers mean a better bottom line.
Our team of voice network, regulatory, and operational specialists is ready to keep your customers connected anytime you need us.
Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
Modern VoIP systems unlock new revenue opportunities, but successful migration demands expertise in vendor solutions, deployment architecture, and security. Let us guide you through the process.
- Hosted PBX / IP Centrex
- VoIP Network Design
- VoIP Trunking
- Staff Training
- Troubleshooting
- STIR/SHAKEN Compliance
- Session Border Controller (SBC)
- Pricing
- Long Distance
- Cost Study Analysis
- Average Schedule Analysis
- Cost of Service Analysis
Voice Switching
Our switching experts can assist with all aspects of designing, implementing, and supporting legacy and next-generation voice switch networks.
- Feasibility Analysis
- Network Consolidation
- Operations Review & Network Analysis
- Switch Sharing
- Translations
- Switch Cutover
- Switch Troubleshooting
- SBC Support
- Staff Training
- Subscriber Migrations
- Pricing
- Long Distance
- Cost Study Analysis
- Average Schedule Analysis
- Cost of Service Analysis
New Voice Service Launchpad Services (CLEC & New Providers)
Launching a new voice service? We’re by your side every step of the way.
- Competitive Analysis
- Numbering
- Interconnection Agreements
- CLEC Application
- EAS Agreements
- AOCN Arrangements
- Access Ordering
- FCC Form 502 Forecast Survey
- NANPA Requests
- Billing
- 911 Planning
- Exchange Trading Partner Profiles
- End User Taxes & Surcharges
- Services Agreements
- Trunk Facilities
- Regulatory & Compliance
Voice Compliance
Vantage Point can assist with all aspects of voice service compliance requirements, starting with:
- NECA Tariff 4
- Battery Backup Compliance (Federal, State, PUC)
- Mobile Carrier Compliance
- NRUF Reporting
- CIC Reporting
- Kari’s Law
- Ray Baum’s Act
Our comprehensive approach ensures your voice services meet all regulatory standards, keeping your operations compliant and your customers connected.
ETC Status
Federal support programs like CAF II and RDOF require ETC status. Vantage Point can help providers secure ETC designation and collaborate with vendors and partners to implement a compliant ETC solution that meets funding requirements.
Our team can help you find the right solution for your customers.
Leverage your fiber network with a regional or local headend to deliver video content to your customers. Our experienced team has expertise in procuring video content for existing and new video enterprises, including developing channel lineups, competitor analysis, National Cable Television Cooperative (NCTC) contract coordination, and negotiating direct contracts with independent video programmers.
Getting Started
- IP Network Design
- IP Provisioning
- Content Procurement
- Channel Lineups
- Competitor Analysis
- NCTC Contract Coordination
- Retransmission Agreements
- Contract Negotiation
- Headend Network Engineering
- Headend Partner Selection
- Feasibility Analysis
- Pricing & Bundling
- CATV Franchises / Agreements
- Cost of Service Analysis
Operations & Maintenance
- Video on Demand
- nDVR & cDVR
- Middleware
- Encryption
- Local Channel Insertion
- Restart TV
- Transport Network Evaluation/Upgrades
- Data Network Evaluation/Upgrades
- Troubleshooting
OTT (Over-the-Top)
OTT video enables customers to maximize their existing broadband service, reducing costs and simplifying maintenance. It offers the flexibility to mirror traditional television or let consumers control their experience with popular streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube TV.
By deploying your own electronics or remarketing an existing video solution, you can offer on-demand video directly to your customers. This approach gives you control over the content selection, enabling a tailored TV experience that meets your customers’ preferences.
- Technology Evaluation
- Cost Estimates
- Feasibility Analysis
- Content Procurement
- Pricing & Bundling
- Contract Support
- Equipment Selection
- Installation
- System Turnup & Provisioning
- Testing
- Troubleshooting
- Cost of Service Analysis
- NCTC Contract Coordination
End-User Managed
Allow your customers to control their video content. With end-user-managed OTT, customers can subscribe to their desired services independently.
- Feasibility Analysis
- Customer Education
- Bandwidth Monitoring & Management
Dark Fiber Leasing & Transport Marketing
Leasing excess fiber capacity can add to the bottom line without impacting core services. Vantage Point helps with engineering, business plans and contracts, and other minutia of dark fiber leasing to bolster your revenue.
- Lease Agreements
- Cost Study Analysis
- Average Schedule Analysis
- Pricing
- Regional Websites
- Cost & Revenue Sharing
- Cost of Service Analysis
Managed Wi-Fi
Monitor, troubleshoot, and address customer broadband problems from your network operations center. Managed Wi-Fi often saves costs by eliminating the need for truck rolls and in-home troubleshooting while providing a better overall customer experience for the consumer.
- Package Bundling & Pricing
- Cost Study Analysis
- Cost of Service Analysis
Cell Site Backhaul & B2B Circuits
- Network Design
- Capacity Planning
- Bandwidth Upgrades
- Pricing
- Service Level Agreements
- Contract Support
- Permitting & ROW
- Provisioning
- NID Installation
- Throughput Testing
- Cost Study Analysis
- Reporting
- Special Access Circuits & Revenues
- BDS (Business Data Services)
- Cost of Service Analysis
System Backups
Protect your business customers’ information with offsite system backups, securing information from physical and cyber threats.
- Backup Strategy & Frequency
- Pricing
- Equipment Selection
- Installation
- Provisioning
- Offsite Backups
- Testing
- Backup Recoveries
- Cost of Service Analysis
Internet of Things (IoT)
We are on the cusp of a new Internet revolution, focused on connecting devices – not just people. Vantage Point can help your operation navigate and integrate these emerging technologies.
- Agriculture
- Smart Sensors
- Smart Metering (Water, Gas, Electricity)
- Smart Lighting
- New Technologies