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Kansas Universal Service Fund (KUSF)

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Since 2008, Vantage Point (formerly GVNW Consulting) has administered the Kansas Universal Service Fund (KUSF). In addition, Vantage Point conducts annual audits of contributing carriers to ensure full compliance with Kansas statutes and Kansas Corporation Commission regulations.

The Kansas Universal Service Fund (KUSF) was established through House Bill 2728 (Telecommunications Act), enacted by the Kansas Legislature in 1996. Its purpose is to ensure that quality telecommunications services are accessible to all Kansans. All telecommunications companies must contribute a percentage of their intrastate (within Kansas) retail revenues to the KUSF, with the option to pass this assessment on to consumers.

KUSF funds are then allocated back to local telephone companies and designated eligible telecommunications carriers to help offset the costs of delivering these essential services. If you have any questions, contact the KUSF Administrator at 217-862-1550 or by email.

Effective March 1, 2025 and until further notice, the Kansas Universal Service Fund assessment rate will be 12.15%, as approved in Docket No. 25-GIMT-141-GIT on January 16, 2025.

Vantage Point Solutions