Memos, Resources

Memo: Broadband Serviceable Locations

February 1, 2024

Broadband Serviceable Locations: Validate and Update!

Broadband Serviceable Locations (BSLs) are reported bi-annually in the Broadband Data Collection (BDC) filing. The Federal Communications Communication (FCC) recently released several Public Notices providing additional guidance on the implications of utilizing the BSLs to determine how federal High-Cost funds are disbursed in addition to new funding opportunities.

Vantage Point recommends reviewing the BSLs in your service territory and submitting appropriate Fabric and Availability challenges.

The memo below includes additional information, including background, implications, and guidance for Enhanced A-CAM electors and High-Cost Fund recipients.

Memo - Broadband Serviceable Locations


If you have questions on potential E A-CAM fiscal implications, territory reviews, or submission of challenges, please contact us at