Memo: BDC Declaratory Ruling and Limited Waiver Released
July 12, 2022
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released a Declaratory Ruling and Limited Waiver regarding the requirement for a Certified Professional Engineer to certify Broadband Data Collection (BDC) Maps in DA 22-733.
In January 2021, the FCC released the Third Report and Order providing that in addition to the corporate officer certification, each mobile and fixed service provider must also submit a certification of the accuracy of its broadband submissions by a qualified engineer to ensure the accuracy of the data being collected. The order generated several comments regarding the requirement which the FCC addressed in the Declaratory Ruling and Limited Waiver Public Notice (Public Notice).
Download the full memo for additional information including the Importance of Accurate Data Collection, the Limited Waiver of PE Certification, and other Vantage Point Recommendations.
VPS Memo – BDC Declaratory Ruling
For more information on BDC or if you would like VPS guidance, please contact:
Courtney Spears at (830) 895-7221
Troy Eilts at (605) 995-1830
Tammie Herrlein at (605) 990-1861
Dereck DeVries at (605) 995-1762